在商標馬德里國際注冊過程中,申請人或代理人會收到來自國外的信函或文書。其中存在一些來自非官方且未獲得官方授權的欺詐性付款信件,特提醒申請人或代理人注意與防范。 此類欺詐性信件可能具有以下特點: 1、使用與世界知識產權組織或外國商標主管機關相似的名稱 、簡稱或者標志; 2、包含馬德里國際注冊號、申請人信息、商標圖樣、指定的商品或服務描述等細節信息; 3、許諾提供注冊、續展或監控等服務從而提出付款要求; 4、 利用其他方式表達了必須支付所要求金額的意思等。 世界知識產權組織已在其網站上發布了相關警告: http://www.wipo.int/pct/en/warning/pct_warning.htm 收到此種付費信件的申請人或代理人,在簽署回復文書或付款之前請仔細核查其內容及來源,可與商標局或世界知識產權組織聯系確定。 商標局聯系方式:010-88650662 世界知識產權組織聯系方式:004122-3389111 商標局 二〇一一年八月二十五日 ABOUT AGAINST MADRID INTERNATION TRADEMARK REGISTRATION FRAUD In Madrid International Trademark Registration, some applicants and representatives have received some oversea letters and notifications which require paying fees for trademark registration. Furthermore, Some of these letters and notifications are not official or authorized by official. So, We hope applicants and representatives can raise awareness. These letters and notifications may have following characteristics: (1) Using similar names, abbreviations or signs to WIPO or other foreign trademark offices; (2) Including Madrid International Registration Number, applicants information, trademark signs, goods or services information and so on; (3) Promising they can provide services for registration, renewing or monitoring and requiring paying fees; (4) Requiring paying fees by other means and so on. WIPO have posted related information: http://www.wipo.int/pct/en/warning/pct_warning.htm Once receving the letters or notifications as mentioned above, applicants and representatives should check information of the contents and source carefully and may contact with China Trademark Office or WIPO. China Trademark Office: 010-88650662 WIPO: 004122-3389111 China Trademark Office 2011-8-25